I'm feeling better.
So other than being lazy and sick for the pass few days, I've absolutely did nothing. Nothing productive at all. Some very ill male was sitting very closely to me during one of my classes and keeps coughing/breathing/sneezing/spreading bacteria all over my face. I am the type of person that NEVER gets sick. Not even when my whole family is having a little summer cold. Nope. Not I. But this guy's virus/illness or whatever he has, totally got into my system. I was finally sick for the first time in about...1 or 2 year(s)? (But it only lasted for like 2 days) Recently I have been very demotivated to do stuff. A part of me wants to give up because of undesirable results and another part keeps telling me to strive for excellence. I don't wanna give up but its hard (since the results aren't that great). I'll try. Just because its the right thing to do. Watching "legally blonde" yesterday was an inspiration for me. In the movie, nobody believed Elle Woods and she totally owned. I feel like even if I don't succeed as much as other people, as long as I tried my best, I'm still a winner (Yes, I am).Philip (Yea, you) and I had an argument/dispute last night because of how much we've changed during the 9 months that we were together. It's settled but we're still building up our relationship =]]. It's almost like, when your with someone for that long, you don't feel like theres sparks anymore because it just turns into a "habit" (like Becky would call it) or a part of your life. I dunno, but for me, the dating process is the most exciting part of...being together. I like having sparks. I like having butterflies in my stomach. I like being complimented and be flushed with the comment. I like waiting by the phone when he calls. I really do. In order to re-visit what I felt before, we're re-starting/re-dating all over again. Some things are better the second time around. Haha.